We help you from the very beginning of the Medicare process. Which starts by creating an online social security account. Then applying for Medicare online.
Once a client has applied for Medicare, then explain the A,B,C,and D’s of Medicare.
Medicare Programs
We explain the differences between Medicare Supplement plans and Medicare Advantage plans. We help you determine which plan best suits your needs.
We also help our clients obtain a new primary care doctor or medical clinic if needed.
Medicare Supplements
Medicare supplement plans are designed to help cover the cost, co-pays, and co-insurance from original Medicare.
Medicare supplement plans vary in cost depending on the type of plan a person selects.
Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage plans are plans offered by private insurance companies that usually offer more benefits than what a person receives under original Medicare. (Vision, Dental, Gym Membership)
When selecting any type of Medicare plan, whether it be a supplement or advantage plan, we will always verify whether your doctor | and or clinic, accepts the plan that you have selected.

We are Lewis Health Insurance. A professional Medicare Advantage and Supplement insurance agency offering the best solution for each and every client.
Shopping for insurance can be confusing. The average customer experiences a barrage of sales solicitations and persistent sales agents, which only serve to confuse the process further. We strive to educate our clients so that they understand all of their options in Medicare.