Medicare Explained!

Medicare Advantage and Supplement Plans.
We provide the best in industry solutions for our clients.

We are Lewis Health Insurance

Shopping for insurance can be confusing. The average customer experiences a barrage of sales solicitations and persistent sales agents, which only serve to further confuse the process.  We strive to educate our clients so that they understand all of their options in Medicare.

Our goal is to help our clients make an informed decision about what is best for their Medicare Health Insurance needs.

There is no cost for our services. We are paid a flat fee by the insurance company that you select to assist you in the enrollment process and to be a point of contact thereafter.

Medicare Plans by Lewis Health Insurance

Our Business Services


We provide comprehensive Medicare consultation services to ensure you find the correct Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, and/or Part D plan for you.

Life Insurance

Life insurance comes in many different varieties. We shop over 50 companies to make sure you get the right policy for you and your family.


We advise our clients on many other insurance and financial concerns including health insurance, the Affordable Care Act, long term care insurance, and disability insurance.

We are Lewis Health Insurance. A professional Medicare Advantage and Supplement insurance agency offering the best solution for each and every client.

Shopping for insurance can be confusing. The average customer experiences a barrage of sales solicitations and persistent sales agents, which only serve to confuse the process further.  We strive to educate our clients so that they understand all of their options in Medicare.